This product is a non-contact infrared electronic boiler thermometer that professionally measures the temperature in the human body. It is easy to use, not only that the display has a backlight reading function, but also has mode selection, memory reading, time display, automatic shutdown and other functions. The normal temperature below the armpit is on average 36–37 degrees, the oral cavity temperature is 0.2–0.4 degrees higher, the rectal and anal temperature is 0.3–0.5 degrees higher than the oral cavity, and the human body temperature is relatively stable. The body temperature of normal people varies slightly within 24 hours. The difference is not more than 1 degree. Under physiological conditions, breakfast is slightly lower, the afternoon is slightly higher, exercise, eating, the woman's temperature before menstruation or pregnancy is slightly higher, and the older body temperature is higher, the body temperature is higher than normal temperature is called fever, 37.5...